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MagnifiedFrame - Class in net.grelf.grip
Type of ImFrame which shows a magnified portion of an image.
magnifier(int, int) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Display a new frame which presents a magnified view from the current frame, around a given pixel position.
Magnitude - Class in net.grelf.astro
Type representing astronomical magnitude.
Magnitude(float) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.Magnitude
Unknown band - bandId set to empty string.
Magnitude(float, float) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.Magnitude
Unknown band - bandId set to empty string.
Magnitude(float, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.Magnitude
Band identifier is typically a single letter: U, B, V, R or I.
Magnitude(float, float, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.Magnitude
Band identifier is typically a single letter: U, B, V, R or I.
Magnitude(MeasuredValue, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.Magnitude
Band identifier is typically a single letter: U, B, V, R or I.
MagnitudeBands - Class in net.grelf.astro
Holds assignment of known magnitude bands of reference stars to image channels for magnitude estimation.
MagnitudeBands(int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.MagnitudeBands
MagnitudeChart - Class in net.grelf.astro
This displays a clone of the ImFrame used for magnitude estimation, with the measured stars marked in it.
MagnitudeChart(StarChart, String, BlobMeasList, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.MagnitudeChart
Create a clone of the chart, draw into it markers and star ids for all the blobs used for estimating magnitude, and redisplay it.
MagnitudeGraph - Class in net.grelf.astro
A GUI component for displaying a graph of blob brightnesses against known stellar magnitudes, doing a least-squares fit and then estimating unknown magnitudes from brightnesses.
MagnitudeGraph(ImFrame, String, BlobMeasList, MagnitudeBands, String, TimeInterval) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.MagnitudeGraph
Any BlobMeas objects that have a star with an id but no magnitude will have magnitudes estimated by least squares fitting.
MagnitudeTable - Class in net.grelf.astro
A GUI component for displaying a table of blob areas, brightnesses and stellar magnitudes, for all blobs for which the user has entered an identifier via the blob menu.
MagnitudeTable(ImFrame, String, BlobMeasList) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.MagnitudeTable
Any BlobMeas objects that have an id will have their data tabulated.
main(String...) - Static method in class net.grelf.astro.SkyPointDialogue
main(String...) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.GRIP
Entry point for the application
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.grelf.image.Exif
Test harness / interactive use as a stand-alone application.
main(String...) - Static method in class net.grelf.meteor.MeteorDetector
Can be run as a free-standing application.
main(String...) - Static method in class net.grelf.sequence.Animator
May be run as a stand-alone desktop application.
main(String...) - Static method in class net.grelf.sequence.Maximiser
This class may run as a stand-alone desk-top application.
main(String...) - Static method in class net.grelf.sequence.Medianiser
This class may run as a stand-alone desk-top application.
make(BlobMeasList) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.WarpingGrid
Analyse the blob measurements (the centre fields) to create the grid.
make(ImFrame) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.WarpingGrid
Wizard for making a WarpingGrid from an image, step by step.
makeClockwise(Point, Point, Point) - Static method in class net.grelf.Triangle
Given any 3 points, put them in an array in an order so that when used to define a triangle they will be clockwise around the perimeter.
makeListOfLists(List<MatchPair>, int, int) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.MatchList
List all the connected lists of blobs across images.
makeXLabels(Image, RangeDouble) - Method in class net.grelf.image.HistogramAll
MANCHESTER - Static variable in class net.grelf.astro.Topocentre
manual() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.CometFrame
Marker - Class in net.grelf.malign
Indicating a point in the fixed image and its corresponding point in the flexible image.
Marker(AlignmentPane, int, int, Dimension, Image) - Constructor for class net.grelf.malign.Marker
Initially points for both images are set to the same coordinates but user interaction may make them differ.
MASK_CLEAR - Static variable in class net.grelf.image.ByteMask
MASK_SET - Static variable in class net.grelf.image.ByteMask
For the blob detection mechanism to work, thresholding/segmentation must set value 3 at all detected pixels and 0 at all others.
maskCentre() - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.Blob
Calculate centre of the blob simply as average of detected x and y, with no weighting from pixel densities.
maskCentre() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Blob_
Calculate the centre of the blob simply as average of detected x and y, with no weighting from pixel densities.
matchBrightest(List<List<ConnectionList>>) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.Analyser
MatchList - Class in net.grelf.grip
Has a list of MatchPair objects to show how a blob is matched through a series of images.
MatchPair - Class in net.grelf.grip
The existence of a MatchPair means that blob blobNo1 in image imNo1 matches blob blobNo2 in image imNo2.
MatchPair(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MatchPair
Maths - Class in net.grelf
Static methods to do common mathematical calculations.
Maths.Statistics - Class in net.grelf
Just a record to hold public values.
max - Variable in class net.grelf.Maths.Statistics
max - Variable in class net.grelf.Statistics
Maximiser - Class in net.grelf.sequence
Makes a new image in which the value of each pixel (in all channels) is its maximum value from a sequence of images.
Maximiser() - Constructor for class net.grelf.sequence.Maximiser
maxX - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMeas
Extremes of the detected boundary.
maxY - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMeas
Extremes of the detected boundary.
mean - Variable in class net.grelf.Maths.Statistics
mean - Variable in class net.grelf.Statistics
meanFilter() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Ask for neighbourhood size and replace every pixel in the image by the mean value of its neighbourhood.
meanFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Replace every pixel in the image by the mean value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
meanFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Replace every pixel in the image by the mean value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
meanFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Replace every pixel in the image by the mean value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
meanFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Replace every pixel in the image by the mean value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
measure(Image, List<Star>, List<PointFloat>, SkyPoint, PointFloat) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.Astrometry
The image is assumed NOT to have been through an inverse gnomonic projection.
measure(Image) - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.Blob
Measure brightness, density-weighted centre and area (pixel count) all on one pass.
measure(Image) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Blob_
Measure brightness, density-weighted centre and area (pixel count) all on one pass.
measureAccurately(BlobMeas, ImFrame) - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.Blob
Measure meanBackground, accurateBrightnesses and snRatios fields of the given BlobMeas using backgroundDisc and brightnessDisc in the given frame (which is assumed to be the parent frame of the magnified blob frame).
The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio for each channel is measured as
(mean (starBrightness) - mean (backgroundBrightness)) / stdDev (backgroundBrightness)
where mean (starBrightness) is the accurately measured brightness in the inner disc divided by the number of pixels in that disc.
measureAccurately(BlobMeas, Image) - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.Blob
Measure meanBackground, accurateBrightnesses and snRatios fields of the given BlobMeas using backgroundDisc and brightnessDisc in the given frame (which is assumed to be the parent frame of the magnified blob frame).
The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio for each channel is measured as
(mean (starBrightness) - mean (backgroundBrightness)) / stdDev (backgroundBrightness)
where mean (starBrightness) is the accurately measured brightness in the inner disc divided by the number of pixels in that disc.
measureAccurately(BlobMeas, ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Blob_
Measure meanBackground, accurateBrightnesses and snRatios fields of the given BlobMeas using backgroundDisc and brightnessDisc in the given frame (which is assumed to be the parent frame of the magnified blob frame).
The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio for each channel is measured as
(mean (starBrightness) - mean (backgroundBrightness)) / stdDev (backgroundBrightness)
where mean (starBrightness) is the accurately measured brightness in the inner disc divided by the number of pixels in that disc.
measureAccurately(BlobMeas, Image) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Blob_
measureArea(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
The user defines a closed curve on the given frame, which is then measured.
measureArea(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the shape over the given image, assuming it to be a closed curve.
measureBetweenBlobs(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
The user defines two points which are the centres of the blobs nearest to the mouse cursor.
measureBlobLine(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the straight line between the centres of two blobs.
measureCurve(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
The user defines an open curve on the given frame, which is then measured.
measureCurve(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the shape over the given image, assuming it to be an open curve.
MeasuredValue - Class in net.grelf
Record to hold a measured value x, its standard error S and its units, so it can be stated as x +/- S units.
MeasuredValue(double, double, Units) - Constructor for class net.grelf.MeasuredValue
If stdErr is unknown set it to 0.0.
MeasuredValue(double[], Units) - Constructor for class net.grelf.MeasuredValue
Calculates mean value and standard error from the given data.
MeasuredValue(Collection<Double>, Units) - Constructor for class net.grelf.MeasuredValue
Calculates mean value and standard error from the given data.
measureHovering(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Set HOVER drawing mode on the given frame so the user can read off measurements.
measureLine(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the shape over the given image, assuming it to be a straight line.
Measurement - Class in net.grelf.grip
Record for holding a measured value.
Measurement(String, Object) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.Measurement
Measurement(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.Measurement
Measurement(String, Object, String, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.Measurement
MeasurementCurve - Class in net.grelf.grip
Storage for an array of y values, to enable an array of such arrays to be handled in a simple risk-free way.
MeasurementCurve(double[], String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementCurve
MeasurementCurve(List<Double>, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementCurve
Alternative constructor, from a List of Double objects.
MeasurementGraph - Class in net.grelf.grip
A GUI component for displaying measurements as a function of image number in a series, or time of capture if that is available.
MeasurementGraph(List<MeasurementCurve>, List<String>) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementGraph
MeasurementHandler - Interface in net.grelf.grip
A class which implements this handler is able to process measurements after they have been collected.
MeasurementMenu - Class in net.grelf.grip
Measurement menu (on each ImFrame) and its actions.
MeasurementMenu(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
MeasurementTable - Class in net.grelf.grip
Table of measurements made on all currently open images.
MeasurementTable(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTable
MeasurementTableMenu - Class in net.grelf.grip
The menu displayed with a table of measurememts, comparing results from different images.
MeasurementTableMenu(JFrame, String[][], MeasurementTable) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTableMenu
MeasurementTableModel - Class in net.grelf.grip
A table model in the javax.swing sense, holding the data to support a MeasurementTable display.
MeasurementTableModel(String[][]) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTableModel
measurePoint(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
The user defines a single point on the given frame, which is then measured.
measurePoint(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the shape over the given image, assuming it to be a single point (ie, just one point in the list).
measurePosition(ImFrame, BlobMeasList) - Method in class net.grelf.astro.Star
If this star has unknown position (RA/Dec), do astrometry using the known reference stars in the given MeasList.
measureRectangle(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
The user defines a rectangle on the given frame, which is then measured.
measureRectangle(ImFrame, DrawingMode) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the shape over the given image, assuming it to be a rectangle (there are only the two opposite corners in the list of points).
measureRectangle(ImFrame, Point, Point, DrawingMode) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the rectangle defined by the two given points (as opposite corners) over the given image.
measureSameShapeAsOtherFrame(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Ask the user to select another measured frame and for its shape then to be measured in the given frame.
measureStarLine(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the straight line between two stars in a StarChart.
measureStraightLine(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
The user defines a straight line on the given frame, which is then measured.
measureWhole(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.PointList
Measure the whole rectangular area of the given image.
measureWholeImage(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Measure the whole image in the given frame and display the results.
median(int[]) - Static method in class net.grelf.Maths
May alter the order of elements in the array.
median(double[]) - Static method in class net.grelf.Maths
May alter the order of elements in the array.
medianFilter() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Ask for neighbourhood size and replace every pixel in the image by the median value of its neighbourhood.
medianFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Replace every pixel in the image by the median value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
medianFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Replace every pixel in the image by the median value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
medianFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Replace every pixel in the image by the median value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
medianFilter(int, ProgressMonitor) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Replace every pixel in the image by the median value of its n x n neighbourhood, where n = 2.halfWidth + 1.
Medianiser - Class in net.grelf.sequence
Assuming an aligned set of images this finds the median value throughout the set for each pixel, creating a new image from those median values.
Medianiser() - Constructor for class net.grelf.sequence.Medianiser
menubar - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.FileMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.ImageMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BatchMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConfigMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConvolutionMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.GeometryMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.GripFileMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.HelpMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImageMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImTableMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.LevelsMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTableMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.SegmentationMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.FileMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.ImageMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BatchMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConfigMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConvolutionMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.GeometryMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.GripFileMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.HelpMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImageMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImTableMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.LevelsMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTableMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.SegmentationMenu
Implementing MenuListener but does nothing.
menuItem(ActionListener, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class net.grelf.Util
Convenience method for creating a menu item.
menuItem(ActionListener, String, String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class net.grelf.Util
Convenience method for creating a menu item.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.FileMenu
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.ImageMenu
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BatchMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMenu
Calls reviseSettings ().
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConfigMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConvolutionMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.GeometryMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.GripFileMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.HelpMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImageMenu
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImTableMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.LevelsMenu
Calls reviseSettings ().
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Calls reviseSettings ().
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTableMenu
Implementing MenuListener.
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.SegmentationMenu
Calls reviseSettings ().
mergeCharts(List<StarChartFrame>) - Static method in class net.grelf.astro.StarChart
Let user select a number of .chart files which are then merged into one new one.
NB: Changed 10.4.7 to pass chartFrames in as a parameter, thus enabling StarChart to compile independently of GRIP.
mergeIntoIIOI(IIOImage) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Metadata
Merge the metadata from the map into a JAI ImageIO image, if the image supports the standard format, javax_imageio_1.0.
message(String, Object) - Static method in class net.grelf.Util
Convenience method for displaying a message dialogue.
message(Component, String, Object) - Static method in class net.grelf.Util
Convenience method for displaying a message dialogue.
metadata - Variable in class net.grelf.image.ImageBase
Metadata - Class in net.grelf.image
This class manages metadata that GRIP puts into images.
Metadata(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Metadata
Construct from a map using the keys defined as static _KEYWORD values in this class.
Metadata(List<FITS_KeywordRecord>) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Metadata
Construct from a list of keywords as read from a FITS file.
Metadata() - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Metadata
Construct an object holding no values, for the values to be added individually through addValue.
Metadata(String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Metadata
Construct by parsing the value obtained from Image.getImageMetadataAsMap (), with key "ImageKind" - which may have been constructed by this class.
MetadataDialogue - Class in net.grelf.image
Displays information about an Image (including file path, calibration, and metadata and allows some editing of metadata.
MetadataDialogue(Image) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.MetadataDialogue
MeteorDetector - Class in net.grelf.meteor
Batch process to search image files for meteor-like objects, counting them and displaying each one magnified in its own ImFrame.
MeteorDetector() - Constructor for class net.grelf.meteor.MeteorDetector
METHOD_KEYWORD - Static variable in class net.grelf.image.Metadata
min - Variable in class net.grelf.Maths.Statistics
min - Variable in class net.grelf.Statistics
minX - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMeas
Extremes of the detected boundary.
minY - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMeas
Extremes of the detected boundary.
MixedUnitsException - Exception in net.grelf
Thrown if there is an attempt to combine arithmetically 2 quantities with different units.
MixedUnitsException() - Constructor for exception net.grelf.MixedUnitsException
mod() - Method in class net.grelf.Complex
Returns |z| = root sum of squares of real and imaginary parts.
mode - Variable in class net.grelf.Statistics
modulus() - Method in interface net.grelf.image.ComplexImage
Return a single image whose pixels are the moduli, sqrt (re * re + im * im) of the complex values.
modulus() - Method in class net.grelf.image.ComplexImage64
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseListener.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.sequence.Animator
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
Move the current point and update the curve.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseListener.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.sequence.Animator
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseListener.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.sequence.Animator
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
Add a new point and update the curve.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseListener.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
If pressed within a marker, sets initial point and marker for potential dragging.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.sequence.Animator
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.DrawingFrame
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Implementing java.awt.event.MouseListener.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.malign.AlignmentPane
Clears point and marker that may have been dragged.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.grelf.sequence.Animator
moveAction(int, int, int[]) - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.AssociatedPane
Called when mouse is moved.
moveAction(int, int, int[]) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Hist3D_Pane
Implementing AssociatedPane.
movePoint(Point, Point) - Method in class net.grelf.draw.ScratchPane
moveShape(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementMenu
Allow the user to drag the shape in the given frame, which is remeasured on releasing the mouse.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.Angle
Returns a new Angle that is the result of multiplying the current one by a factor.
multiply(Complex) - Method in class net.grelf.Complex
Multiplies this by z and also returns this, to be chainable.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.Complex
Multiplies this by real x and also returns this, to be chainable.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Multiply brightness levels by a factor, never overflowing (see net.grelf.image.Image.multiply ().
multiply(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Multiply imf2 into this image, pixel by pixel
multiply(Image, Image, int) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.ImMultiplyProportionDialogue
Multiply the images in the given proportion (0..100)
multiply(Image, Image, Point, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.ImMultiplyProportionDialogue
Multiply the given areas of the two images, in the user-selected proportion (0..100).
multiply(ComplexImage) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.ComplexImage
Multiply two ComplexImages together, pixel by pixel, the result replacing the current ComplexImage.
multiply(double) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.ComplexImage
Multiply the levels in both real and imaginary parts by the given factor.
multiply(ComplexImage) - Method in class net.grelf.image.ComplexImage64
Multiply two ComplexImages together, pixel by pixel, the result replacing the current ComplexImage.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.ComplexImage64
Multiply the levels in both real and imaginary parts by the given factor.
multiply(double) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Multiply all pixel values (in all bands) in the Image by factor f, truncating the result if pixels contain integer values.
multiply(Image) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Multiply pixel values of current image by those of another.
multiply(Image, double, double) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Multiply fraction f1 of this image by f2 of the other.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Multiply all pixel values (in all bands) in the image by factor f, truncating (not rounding) the result.
multiply(Image) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
multiply(Image, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Multiply fraction f1 of this image by f2 of the other.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Multiply all pixel values (in all bands) in the image by factor f.
multiply(Image) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
multiply(Image, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Multiply fraction f1 of this image by f2 of the other.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Multiply all pixel values (in all bands) in the Image by factor f, truncating the result if pixels contain integer values.
multiply(Image) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Multiply pixel values of current image by those of another.
multiply(Image, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Multiply fraction f1 of this image by f2 of the other.
multiply(double) - Method in class net.grelf.MeasuredValue
Returns a new MeasuredValue in which both the value and the standard error have been multiplied by number a.
multiply(MeasuredValue) - Method in class net.grelf.MeasuredValue
multiplyWeighted(double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Multiply all pixel values (in all bands) in the image by factor f * (g - gMin) / (gMax - gMin)
mv - Variable in class net.grelf.Length
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