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J2000 - Static variable in class net.grelf.astro.Epoch
J2000 - Static variable in class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Commonly used epoch for star charts, J2000.0, based on Julian years.
JPG - Static variable in class net.grelf.FileIOImageFilter
JPG_FILTER - Static variable in class net.grelf.FileIOImageFilter
JulianDate - Class in net.grelf.astro
This class holds a Julian date/time to an accuracy of 1ms.
JulianDate(double) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Construct from a numerical JD value.
JulianDate(long) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Construct from the Java time in milliseconds since 1970.0 UT
JulianDate(Calendar) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Construct from a Java calendar object (which already includes locale and time zone).
JulianDate() - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Get the JD now (system time) - uses default locale so no time zone conversion should be needed.
JulianDate(String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Construct from a xsd:DateTime value, as defined by W3C XML schema (eg, 2009-12-31T23:59:59.9+00:00).
JulianDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDate
Construct from standard Java representation of a W3C xs:dateTime.
JulianDateDialogue - Class in net.grelf.astro
Dialogue for user to convert between Gregorian calendar and JD.
JulianDateDialogue() - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDateDialogue
JulianDateDialogue(Frame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.astro.JulianDateDialogue
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