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Move the clicked card

For now we will consider moving just the exposed bottom card of a column. The first requirement is to add the event listener to the canvas as the last statement in function Spider():

  GAME.cnv.addEventListener ("click", onClick);

That implies we need to write the handler, called onClick. It is providing behaviour specific to Spider so it goes in spiderA.js:

function onClick (e)
{ var xy = getMousePoint (e);
  var target = findTarget (xy.x, xy.y, GAME.targets);
  if (null === target) return;
  var card = target.card;
  if (!card.faceUp) return;
  for (const COL of GAME.COLUMNS)
  { var last = COL.getLastCard ();
    if (null !== last)
    { if (last.suit === card.suit && last.value - 1 === card.value)
      { card.column.removeCard (card);
        COL.addCard (card); ();
  } } } // Not exact match, so try value match only (not suit):
  for (const COL of GAME.COLUMNS)
  { var last = COL.getLastCard ();
    if (null !== last)
    { if (last.value - 1 === card.value)
      { card.column.removeCard (card);
        COL.addCard (card); ();
  } } } // Is there an empty column to move to?
  for (const COL of GAME.COLUMNS)
  { if (null === COL.getLastCard ())
    { card.column.removeCard (card);
      COL.addCard (card); ();
  } }   

There are 3 passes through the array of columns. First we test for a last card matching the suit of the clicked card and value one higher. If that pass fails we look for a last card just one higher in value. If that fails try looking for an empty column to move to.

All of that just needs 2 new methods for Column: getLastCard(), which returns null for an empty column, and removeCard (card).

Column.prototype.getLastCard = function ()
{ if (this.CARDS.length > 0) 
    return this.CARDS [this.CARDS.length - 1];
  else return null;

Column.prototype.removeCard = function (card)
{ this.CARDS.splice (card.columnIndex, 1);
  var card = this.getLastCard ();
  if (null !== card) card.reveal ();

Now you should be able to click or touch the last card of a column and, if there is a suitable card as the last one in another column, the clicked card will move onto it.

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