Minor planet 16 Psyche
This photo is made from a sequence taken at 4 minute intervals for just over an hour. The rather odd appearance of the trail was due to the planet passing very close to a star near the beginning of the sequence. I verified that by looking at the individual frames.
Canon EOS5DMkII 254mm Newtonian @ 1200mm f/4.8 16 x 15s ISO6400 2011-03-07 20:30:07-21:30:07 UT
From Rookhope 54.8
I also processed the same frames differently so that the planet remained fixed while the stars trailed. Here is a cropped portion of the result:
Canon EOS5DMkII 254mm Newtonian @ 1200mm f/4.8 16 x 15s ISO6400 2011-03-07 20:30:07-21:30:07 UT
From Rookhope 54.8
The blobby nature of the trails is because the early images in the sequence were taken more frequently than every 4 minutes. The processing was done with GRIP's semi-interactive option "Astro combine for comets" on the batch menu. That option is equally useful for most small objects that move relative to the stars.